I’ve been thinking a lot lately about the people in my life,
and I feel so full of happiness that I might explode. Maybe it’s because I’ve
been watching a lot of Real Housewives lately and all they do is argue with
their friends rather than enjoy one another, or maybe its because I’m feeling
really pensive, but I feel so, so good about all of the people in my life. I
feel as if everyone I’m lucky enough to have around me is dusted with fairy
dust. They just bring so much joy, magic, and inspiration to my existence.
It’s a truly magical and powerful thing that we get to
choose who is in our lives, and it’s even more magical when we find a friend
whose soul holds hands with ours; a friend who you can talk to about anything
and they just get it no matter what. I have a few
friends with whom I can talk for literal hours about important stuff in life,
and when I leave these conversations, I feel so incredibly refreshed. I also
have a few people in my life with whom I can spend hours sitting around doing
nothing, or doing something as simple as getting coffee, or spending hours at a
park, but as I’m experiencing this time with them, that cup of coffee is the
most fun, magical cup of coffee I’ve ever shared with someone, and that park is
even more enjoyable than any park I’ve been to before. I feel so inspired and lucky and overwhelmed by the fact
that I have those people in my life, and even more overwhelmed that I can feel so joyful from simply existing next to another human, no matter what it is we're doing. Just the fact that as human beings, we’re
able to make those sorts of connections with other people without even trying
to connect so deeply makes me want to explode with happiness and awe.
I’ve always been intrigued by human connectivity, but since
starting college and being around a whole slew of different people, I am even
more fascinated with how human beings relate to one another. I’ve found several
people this past school year with whom I’ve unintentionally connected with
deeply, and in a short amount of time. Being lucky enough to encounter people
who engulf your being with positive vibes, while you engulf theirs, is so
incredible. How cool is it that through our relationships with others, we are
able to gain so much knowledge, inspiration, and happiness? And it’s even
cooler that this intense connection, happiness, and pleasure come from such
simple things. If you and your friend love dancing, dance together. If you two
really love drinking coffee and talking about feminism, drink coffee and talk
about feminism. If you really love talking about your feelings together, talk away. If you really love kissing each other's faces, kiss until the cows come home. These straightforward,
everyday opportunities are so simple, yet they bring such intense awe and
happiness into our lives. I just can’t get over how lucky that is. I feel very
overwhelmed by the accessibility of happiness in my daily life thanks to my surroundings.
I just feel so full of life and light, and surrounded
by good people releasing good vibes, and for that I am grateful.